Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas is over!!!
Lane received wonderful things from santa clause. Although he can't quite understand why santa brought him underwear. Just one of those mystery's I suppose! He received 2 swings and a bar/ring set for his new wooden swing set, a tool bench, flannel camo sheets for his bed, 2 games, hooked on phonics for pre-k, wooden airplanes, 4 dvds, trampoline, real train set, remote control car, remote control transformer, craft easel, guns, cars, coloring books, underwear, boxers and so on. He was quite happy with all his new toys and I think he'll be even happier when the swing set is complete and the trampoline is put up.
Mikie received a really nice shotgun shell box, 5 boxes of shot gun shells, academy gift card, long sleeve camo shirt, 1 camo sweatshirt, tacklebox, fishing pool, new jacket, boxers, carseat covers, wallet, watch and some other odds and ends.
I received a james avery charm bracelet with the 2000 charm (year I graduated HS), a beautiful 10k necklace with lane's birthstone, blue crocs, bath and body work stuff, a new pink brush popper shirt, a really nice black hooded sweatshirt with a barrel racer on it saying "turn em and burn em", gift card to baskins (for a pair of jeans) and some angel coffee mugs.
But the most important christmas present actually came on christmas eve. We found out we are going to have another baby! :) We are due at the end of August. I'm waiting for all the paperwork to get finished up for my medicaid and then I can see the doctor. Thus far, I've felt totally different and didn't actually believe I was pregnant. No sickness or tenderness like with the last one, just some cramping (not unusual with the endometriosis). I know I will still have to have my cervix tied shut, but hopefully this mean things will be better. Keep us in your prayers.
I'm off to do some cleaning up and get myself dressed to run some errands! Please pray that the weather stays nice and that some more work pops up for Mikie. They don't have a lot of working "waiting in the wings" so to speak, so it's time for more things to start popping up!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas!
I was able to get grandma and grandpa's clogs mailed out Monday. I hope they make it to Aunt Polly's tomorrow, so she can give them to them tomorrow night! Our post office isn't open on Saturday's and they weren't quite dry enough to box up Friday. I was able to get mom and dad's done. They are wrapped under the tree. I am almost done with Mikie's and Lane's I haven't started.
Lane has been fighting a cold (just like myself) off and on for a couple of weeks. Yesterday it really started to get bad. The mucus gets so thick, the only way he can get rid of it is to throw it up. So on top of having a running nose, a cough and now a fever, he throws up randomly. I took him to the doctor's this morning (before the fever started) and she said his chest sounded good, he had no wheezing or tightness, his ears and throat looked good and to continue with the musinex every 4 hours and the nebulizer treatments every 4 hours along with his regular asthma/allergy medicine. Only to bring him back if he got worse, refused to eat or drink or ran a really high fever for more than 24 hours. He hit 103 at 6pm, but the motrin and tylenol have helped that.
So I've had to abandon my knitting since I'm having to keep track of a very sick kiddo. We are supposed to go to Mikie's dad's house tomorrow night for christmas eve and then to his nana's on christmas day to exchange presents and eat, but if Lane is still hacking up his lungs, we wont go. Most everyone smokes and that will be a killer for him. We are still hoping to go to SA on Friday, but at this point in time, we will have to play it all by ear.
I hope everyone has a very MERRY christmas and pray for a speedy recovery for my kiddo! :)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I did it!
Lane goes to the dentist today. He's not thrilled about it, but it's something he needs to do!
I've been thinking about my after christmas knitting. Here's a short list of things I plan to work on finish up!
1. Mix and Mingle Afghan I started a year ago.
2. Pinwheel sweater (put aside to work on christmas, just the two sleeves left).
3. Baby blankets for my charity knitting.
4. Some catnip toys to send to Best Friends with the pet snuggle
5. Chemo cap for a friend who has cancer and loosing her hair!
6. Crochet some prayers shawls for church. I've been slacking on this.
7. Work on some socks!
That's a good start to get me going after the new year! Mikie and I will celebrate our 5 year anniversary in January. We're hoping to go away for a weekend to hot springs or something. Our honeymoon was the drive from Virginia to Texas :-P
I have finished knitting grandma, grandpa and dad's clogs. I need to do 1 more clog for mom and then I need to start felting them so I can mail them by the end of the week or on Monday (priority mail!!!!!). I'm going to knit a pair for mikie, lane and myself. I'm hoping to knit 2 hats (mikie and lane) too. GAR. I need another week.. or two!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Boy is time going by fast!
I didn't get to ride in the Harleton christmas parade yesterday. Lane was pretty sick Friday and Friday night and I just felt the cold air wasn't good for him (asthma/cough/runny nose) and I didn't feel like it was fair to ask my father-in-law to watch him while I rode since Mikie had to work. When lane gets a really bad cough, he throws up b/c of all the mucus running down the back of his throat. Poor guy. That's not fun to deal with. So there will be other parades and other times to ride!
I think I've come to a life-altering decision. I'm going to go back to school *gasp*. Don't all faint at once! LOL. I'm going to get my teaching certificate and I'm planning to become a HS teacher. Now I know you never saw that coming! I never pictured myself as a teacher, but I know that Lane will go to pre-k this fall and I need something to do with myself if another baby doesn't come. Plus it's decent (not great money, but you don't teach for the money) money, good hours b/c I'll have the summers off and most holidays and I believe we'll be able to get benefits,which we don't currently have. Most of my classes will be online, with a few Saturday classes thrown in. It should take about 12 months to complete and then upon passing my exams, I'll be certifid to teach!
My best friend from Ohio (rebecca) called me last week to tell me she was getting married. Rebecca and matt have been together 7 years, so it's about time :) I'm still waiting for her to pick a date, but it looks like we'll be going to Ohio in the next year or so. I'll be her Matron of Honor. I've never been in a wedding before (other than my own), so this will be an experience. I wonder if I can wear my jeans and boots? Probably not! :)
I've got a little side job working on a website for It's an exotic hunting ranch and they've got some really coold animals! I'm enjoying it and hope to get a few more things done on it and then present it to him for a first draft. I'm learning alot about some of these animals too!
Still knitting away on clogs. Still scrambling to get christmas presents together/done. One day at a time!
Off to do something drastic!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Update on my "Books to Read'
1. A McKaslin Homecoming - Jillian Hart (Inspirational Romance)
2. Trick my Truck but don't Mess with my Heart - LuAnn McLane (Southern Romance)
3. Knit Two Together - Connie Lane (Harlequin)
4. Mary: A Novel about Mrs A. Lincoln - Janis Cooke Newman (recommended by Kathy Patrick)
5. Life Strategies - Dr Phil
6. The Will of Wisteria - Denise Hildreth (Borrowed from Allison)
7. The Knitting Circle - Ann Hood
8. Reposition Yourself - T.D Jakes
9. Moon Woman - Pamela Duncan (recommended by Kathy Patrick)
10. Plant Life - Pamela Duncan
11. The Healtiest Kid in the Neighborhood - Sears Parenting Library (Dr Phil Recommendation)
12. Twilight - Stephenie Meyer
13. Wizard's First Rule - Terry Goodkind (Hubby recommendation)
14. Chosen by a Horse - Susan Richards
15. J.D Robb - In death series (about 10 more to go)
I am currently Reading: Dancing Shoes and Honkey-Tonk Blues by LuAnn McLane. I am currently finishing up dad's first clog (Grandma and Grandpa's are knitted, but need to be felted). I still have to do my mom's, mikie's, lane's and myself!
It's very cold today, so we're curled up inside, awaiting the spring to come! or maybe that's just me! :)
PS. I get ALOT of my books from It's totally free to join and very easy to use! You get a credit (to get a book) everytime you mail a book to someone! All it cost you is the postage, but in turn you get to pick a book out that you want! Want to try it out? Mention my user name as a referral: Mikiesbrat! All it takes is for you to post 10 books you'd like to trade! The more books you list, the more books that can be requested from you, which in turn gets you more books!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Kansas City Southern Lines!
Lane and I went to the Kansas City Southern Lines Christmas Train last night! It was brought in by Roy's Toys and Trains in Jefferson! It was totally amazing! I think I enjoyed it as much if not more than Lane did! The train cars were decorated inside and out! The first train car you entered in, had a fireplace with Santa. Lane didn't want his picture taken but he stopped long enough to tell santa that he "wanted everything" for christmas. Santa laughed and told him he might have to make 2 trips to his house this year! That's my kiddo for you.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It's almost Thanksgiving!
We've been working on the house a bit more! I bought some "cornor" pieces for the crown molding because we realized (after an hour or trial an error) that the room is not square! Suprise Suprise! So the normal 45 degree cuts to make the crown molding square wasn't going to work! I'm hoping Mikie can get them put up today, probably not before my family gets here, but just the same!
I have finally come to terms with the fact we can't find a piece of panneling (which I truly hate) to fix the one piece (where the old window was) we need on the wall. So I went and bought the cheapest piece of panneling to put up. It's wood, but not the same as the rest of the walls. I will either have to paint or wallpaper that room...eventually. But atleast there wont be a huge hole in the living room. Since that's the room you first walk into when you enter the house, it's so obvious!
Lane is excited because his "moomaw" and "poopaw" are coming! He loves to spend time with them and I'm greatful that they only live 7 hours away! They can spend time with their only grandkiddo!
We will be venturing to Nana's house to eat tomorrow probably at noon and then again around 6. You can never get enough Thanksgiving! Mom and I will be doing some Black Friday Shopping on Friday morning and it's supposed to rain. Lucky us? Maybe that means more people will stay home! Hey I can hope right? Friday night we will go to the Lion's Club Park where they do the lighting of the Christmas Trees in Jefferson and it will kick off our Candle Light Tour!
Monday is the Christmas parade. We have decided NOT to ride in the parade since it is after dark and we're not sure how the horses will take to that since we rarely ride after dark! BUT I plan on taking Lane to see the Santa Train that is stopping in Jefferson! Santa will be there along with reindeer! It'll be really neat (atleast I hope so) and then we will venture over to town and watch the parade!
Lots of great things planned. Not a lot of knitting going on (I always seem to wait to the last minute for those christmas presents)!
Off to go clean something else! GAR!!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
It's cold in Texas!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Mittens for Afghans for Afghans project!
I knitted these mittens for a project called Afghans for Afghans! They were collecting 300 pairs of wool mittens to send over to Afghan. It's part of a project that the US does to show support to the Afghans. They also send blakets, socks and other "warmup" items.
I knitted these from some left over Cascade 220 I had when I knitted my nieces their princess hats! They are made in a size small in wool so they will be nice and warm! I hope they warm the hands (and the heart) of a small child this winter!
Lane Vs The Mudhole!
Lane decided he wanted to build a "house" yesterday. The weather was beautiful so I let him outside. I didn't realize that the huge flower pot (it once had a water garden in it) was filled with water from the rains we had last week. Lane used his wheel barrow to gather the water and dump it into this hole he dug. His tractors had to work in it and he had to work in it. Before long he was nothing but a muddy mess. Well I decided he was already dirty, I might as well let him continue to play. It was in the lower 70's yesterday, so it wasn't as though he would catch a chill from the mud/water.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Boy I don't like to be sick!
Our church has collected 16 Samaritan purses. They are hoping to get to 25 by next Sunday. I turned mine in and was quite happy. I know a little girl out there will be quite thrilled with the items Lane and I put together for her. I don't think he quite gets the concept of giving yet, but that's ok. He will eventually!
The weather has turned colder so we're having to bundle up more! I dislike being cold. But maybe it's not so bad, I'll get more time in for reading and knitting since I'll be curled up more!
I'm mailing out a pair of gloves I knitted for Afghans for Afghans. They are collecting 300 pairs of mittens to send home with an Ambassador from Afghan. I think it's to show the love and the support the US has for the children there. They are purple! I was quite pleased with how they turned out!
We will be riding in the Jefferson and Harleton Christmas parades this year. It will be a lot of fun. I'll be exciting to see how he does in a parade envirnoment and with a lot of other ruckus going on! The Jefferson parade is at night at 6pm on December 1st. The Harleton parade is during the morning on December 13th at 11am. Both will be fun I'm sure!
I've put in a few applications to see about going back to work. I don't really want to, but I know we want/need to get the addition done and the area finished for the horse and Mikie works hard, but there's just so much that needs to be done. Maybe his dad will give him a raise or will split profit with him from time to time and I wont have to go back to work! LOL here's to that thought, right? One day he'll run the business and hopefully things wont always be so tight! We hope to start looking for land or a house this time next year. His red work truck will almost be paid off and we'll only have my car payment! Plus we hope the economy is better so we can get a good interest rate!
I finished reading Flying Changes by Sara Gruen. A very nice sequal to "Riding Lessons". I was pleased with the ending. I thought it a little strange that is was able to take in her ex-husband's and wife's new baby like that. But I guess when you've longed for another child and he has no other place to go, you do what you have to do. It'll be for the best because she is a wonderful, caring mother! Definitely a good read.
I started Courting Trouble by Deeanne Gist. I saw her speak at Books-alive 2008 at the church and just loved her. She's so inspiring when she speaks and I'm sure I'll feel the same way as I read her books!
Time to go curl up and relax for a bit. I'm getting cold! I took a 4 hour nap today (not on purpose) so I'm no where near ready for bed at 9:30pm!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Making Parrot sweaters!
So I've made a post on my site and I'm hoping a few others will pitch in and make a parrot sweater! I have 5.5 pairs of clogs left to do so I'm not sure it'll be there before christmas, but I'm sure they'd be happy with parrot sweaters any day of the week!
A pattern has been given for knitting and now how to make one out of an existing sock! I hope others will make up a few sweaters for these beautiful birds! The patterns are located at the bottom of the page within the comments portion.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Good Samaritan boxes!
I included some suckers, tootsie rolls and peperment sticks, these are things Lane can eat! I put in some samples (I hope this isn't tacky) that I had for Huggies bath and body wash (I figured I could include more items if not everything was store bought). There is enough for a week's worth of baths. I put in a blue fuzzy teddybear and some little noise maker toys. I put in some cute colored rings, a pair of chenile gloves, and little beauty kit that includes a mirror, comb, brush and an aloofa with it's on storage unit.
I am going to get a few items at walmart: Coloring book and crayons, hairbows/ties, toothbrush and some toothpaste.
I put in two pairs of socks that I crochet beads around the edge (size 3-5 years). One is pink the other is purple. I am also going to knit up a little pink hat (with fun fur if I have the right color) to include.
I'm not sure what else to include in this box. I'm not thinking much else will fit in there! Please if someone thinks the samples of the shampoo/body wash is tacky, PLEASE tell me! I don't want to look like a total goof!
I think I might include a little christmas letter/card (I will hand make it) in there for the receipent and her parents! I know she wont be able to read, but she might enjoy a little letter telling her about her items and a bit about our family!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Rain, Rain, go away!
I went to Books-Alive on Saturday! I only stayed for the morning session, I just didn't feel very good! I heard some great authors speak! I picked up a book by Deeanne Gist called "Courting Trouble". Another friend at church picked up the 2nd book and we decided we'll switch off so we can both read the series! I look forward to finding other books she has written as well! I also heard a couple other authors I would love to read books by such as Kitty Chappell, Marcia Gruver, Jayne Joudan, Laura Flett and Suzanne McLeannan! If I would of had the money I would of bought books from all of those authors! I'm hoping some of the other ladies at church bought them and I can borrow them! :)
Last Thursday night I went to a scrapbook "class" at Roys Toys and Trains in town. It was a lot of fun! I met a few new people and hope that I can start "cropping" with these ladies once or month or so in the near future! Maybe that will get me working on my scrapbooks again!
I have been working on clogs! I have grandpa's 2 knitted up (will felt them all later) and one of grandma's knitted up. I found a good deal on the patons sws yarn today at michaels 2 for $3. They are usually 5.99$ a skein! So I have all the yarn I to complete mine, mikie's, lane's, my dad's and my mom's. I will do 7 pairs when it's all done. I'll post pictures soon!
I have this head cold I can't seem to get rid of. It has taken up residence and it's really time it find a new place to rent! I have such a headache in the morning when I first wake up from all the pressure that just builds up! UGH!
I am currently reading "riding lessons" by Sara Gruen. Great book so far. I also found the sequel to it! My shelf is building again on the books I want to read! It's always building though :)
I hope I can join the book club in my area next year. I'd love to be able to talk about the books I read and find great recommendations!
Alright, I should cook some dinner and call my mom. I called earlier and my sister answered.... I'm assuming my mom never got the message! SISTERS?! :)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Playing catch up!
Lane really enjoyed going trick or treating this year. He really understood what it ment, and why, who doesn't love candy? He didn't understand why we couldn't go on Saturday night! Ahh to be 4 again!
I finished the book "Dark Roots and Cowboy Boots" by LuAnn McLane. I LOVED it. Her southern humor was hilarious and poor Jamie Lee, that girl has problems! I mean, two hot men, one flashy and all LA and the other tall, dark and manly. How in the world can that no be the icing on the cake?! Plus she manages to get herself in such pickles! I can't wait to get ahold of the sequel where Macy (her best friend) finally lands Luke (Jamie Lee's brother). There are a few other in the "southern" series that she has. Definitely a great author!
I read "The Rustler" by Linda Lael Miller. This is part of the Stone Creek series. It's about Wyatt ( I really like that name), which is Rhowdy's brother. I was a little disappointed with the end. It just kind of ended. I felt the last 30 pages were just too rushed. There was no big, finale like I expected. Overall the book was good though. I was glad to revisit old characters and glad to be back in the little town of Stone Creek. I look foward to reading more from her!
I started "Riding Lessons" by Sara Gruen. I saw it in Books-a-million one day and thought it looked interested. It's about a girl, Annemarie Zimmerman that was a very accomplished rider. She suffers a terrible fall and finds her self paralized (temporarily) and the horse she loves had to be put to sleep. I'm very excited about this book as I've found a new love for horses and riding.
I have been reading a lot and not so much knitting. I need to get back on my knitting horse I guess. It's so hard to balance the two! I can devour a book in a day if I'm really into it. I guess I will have to go back to knitting/crocheting while I watch tv/movies and reading when I'm not!
I thought I would add a picture of my horse! His name is Royal Kings Doc, or Vandal as I call him. He's 13 years old. He's a sorrel gelding. He's about 14.2 hands and he's just wonderful with me. He works well with leg pressure and very easy on the reins. We seem to be working well as a team! I've joined the AQHA riding club and I'm logging my hours each week. My goal is to ride 2-3 times a week , which accounts for about 4.5-5 hours of riding a week. There are milestones with this program. At 50 hours you receive a gift certificate to Drysdales and then at 100 you have the option to buy a windbreaker and so on. I'm very excited about this. Karon (my step-mother-in-law) and I are having so much fun.
Doesn't he look beauiful in pink? One day I'll get a picture with the full getup! :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It's almost Halloween!

Friday, October 24, 2008
FUMC Pumpkin Fundraiser and Trunk or Treat!
Our church is having a pumpkin patch fundraiser! If you haven't had a chance to stop by you should! There are LOTS of pumpkins. Starting from $.50- 14.00. Anyone can afford one! Plus you can get your pictures taken!
Also on Wednesday October 29th, we will be having our Trunk or Treat/fall festival. There will be games, activities, food, candy and a bounce house! It starts at 4:30pm-6pm. Anyone is welcome to come! Be sure to dress up in your costumes!
Feeling better!

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Feeling sad.
I am at peace as to what happened and I do understand that it just wasn't ment to be. But at the same time I am sad at knowing I lost the baby. I realize I was only 14.5 weeks along and for most people, that isn't far. But when the actual act of loosing the baby happened, I saw the baby. It was still connected to me. I knew when it happened that I was looking at my baby. I tried to be so strong. What was done was done. It couldn't be fixed.
But just the same. I'm sad. Part of me wishes I would of picked up and held the baby. I kind of wish I would of asked what the sex was. I'm even more upset (now more so than before) that I didn't get any kind of greif counceling or ANY sort of help from the hospital. I feel like I was cheated out of something. They just put the baby in a bag and sent me to have my D&C.
I'm sad. I'm angry and I'm hurt. What makes it worse is that next Friday will be the 6 month anniversary from when I lost the baby. It's rough. It really sucks. I thought I was better, but I know deep in my heart, it still hurts.
So today, I'm thinking about my long lost angel. I know my angel has gone to be with God but I hope my angel knows how much I'm thinking about them.

Friday, October 17, 2008
Books Alive in Jefferson Texas!
There will be A LOT of neat things planned for that weekend. Saturday's events with the authors are FREE!!!! Come out and see them, buy their books (if you'd like to), get them autographed and then stay for all the wonderful entertainment planned that evening. You WONT be disappointed!
A week of catching up!
We drove down to San Antonio last thursday. We left around 9 am and got there around 4pm. It's a long drive, but we managed. We rested thursday evening and Lane was glad to see his moomaw, poopaw and his aunt caiti!
Friday, Lane was able to go swimming for about 45 minutes. It was around 92, but it was breezy and the water was around 78. So it's not MY kind of swimming, but Lane was happy with it. We went to a La Vernia Bears (aunt Caiti's HS) football game. Lane had never been to a football game! GO BEARS GO!!! He really liked the cheerleaders and tried to imitate them! He caught some candy and a little blue football! He was able to enjoy lots of great cousine as well! The nachos were his favorite!
Saturday morning we went to Michaels. They had their "look-a-like" pumpkins for 5 dollars! But the neat thing was, they had a table set up were the kids/anyone could decorate their pumpkins for free! They had eyes, pipe cleaners, pom-poms, gauze, glue, scissors, you name it. Lane had a BLAST decorating his pumpkin! I took a few pictures of all the fun he had!
Saturday night we went to the peanut feastival. Lane said he didn't want to go but boy did he have such a good time! I didn't bring my camera though :( He was able to ride a kiddie rollacoaster, swings, car ride and a few others. He had SUCH a good time. He even eat funnel cake and his poopaw bought him a glow in the dark sword! WOW!!
Sunday and Monday was much more relaxed. We just sat around, recouperating from all the excitement. He didn't get to swim as it was much cooler these 2 days!
Tuesday morning we headed home! Once again it's a long drive so I was glad to be home!
Wednesday I worked at our pumpkin patch! I sold about 12 pumpkins, which isn't bad considering it was during the day (12-3pm) on a workday!
Yesterday it rained.. and rained. We headed out to best buy and bought me a new computer! We put an ad on craiglist for my old computer and someone seems to be interested in it! Now I'll have to get a monitor and speakers since I'm using my old computer's stuff until we sold it!
Today is Friday! I'm headed to Marshall to do the grocery shopping and get then it'll be time to come back and get the house cleaned up. I've kind of let it go this week. It's been a long week :)
So there's my catchup! I'll try to upload a couple of pictures of Lane. Fall is coming, that means it's going to get cold. ICK!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Lane and the ER!!
Mikie came home about 30 minutes later. Lane didn't get off the couch to see him. Mikie came over and kissed him and laid on the couch with him for a bit. He watched cartoons and just laid there.
I fixed dinner, chicken fried deer steak, green beans, mashed potatoes and biscuits. Lane loves that. He didn't even want to get off the couch. For anyone that knows my child, KNOWS that is not normal! He doesn't refuse to eat or just lay around watching tv.
We debating about taking him to the ER. Lane got very upset when I mentioned the doctor, so we just left it alone. At 7 I gave him some motrin b/c he said it still hurt and he woudln't move his head to the other side.
We decided not to give him a bath and put him in his jammies at 8:30pm and into bed. Around 9:30 he woke up crying. We thought he had a bad dream, so Mikie laid with him and he went back to sleep. At 10:30 he woke up again screaming. We decided to take him to the doctors this time!
I took him to the ER and we waited in the waiting room for 45 minutes. When we went into the first room, where they check your vitals, ask you a bunch of questions and so on, Lane got hysterical. He didn't want anyone to touch him nor look at him. We were finally able to get his weight and pulse oxy and then they put us in a room. I decided to see if I could get him to lay down b/c I thought it would make it a bit easier for the doctor to look him over if he wasn't stuck to me.
The doctor came in and he got very upset. He was able to examine him and felt he had something called "Torticollius". It's a neck spasm in the neck and it causes pain and stiffness. They gave him tylenol with codine for the pain and some prednizone. They always wanted to take some x-rays to make sure it was nothing else.
About 30 minutes after the medicine, Lane perked up. We got to take his "pictures" 5 times and he thought he looked pretty good since he just had his haircut! Everything tuned out ok with the x-rays. He just needed some rest! But of course he was all wired up b/c of the medicine! YIKES! He was VERY chatty!
On the way home (we were there about 3 hours), I called my bro. He was on his way to go squirrel hunting with a buddy. He talked me half way home. Then it started to rain really hard so I got off the phone so I could pay attention to the road and the rain!
It was after 3 am once we got home and into bed. What a LONG night. Lane felt better yesterday. Still a little stiff but much better.
Poor kiddo!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Cowboy gathering rodeo and twenty wishes book!
Wild cow milking
Muddy barrel pickup?
LOL. It was great! My father in law's neighbor, Justin participated in one of the teams. So we had a team to root for! The events were not your normal rodeo events, but they were hilarious! The last event, was the surprise event and trying to watch these guys get their horses around a barrel and pick up another guy was great. They definitely could use some work on their barrel patterns! I think I want to learn to rope calves. I'm not sure about wrestling them to the ground, but hey you never know!
Twenty wishes by Debbie Macomber was a great book. Her books are always so warm and heartfelt. The twenty wishes is similar to a bucket lists. Things you want to do/accomplish! The 4 ladies in the story were all widows and they made lists of things they wanted to do. It was a way to deal with their grief and find a way to move on and be happy. I definitely recommend this book for anyone that wants a good, warm story!
My back is bothering me today. I think I pinched a nerve in the lower left side. It hurts so sit, stand, lay down, just about anything. Mikie is working today so it's making it difficult to do much for Lane. Poor kiddo!
Tomorrow is Monday! Lane and I leave for San Antonio on Thursday! We will be spending a couple days visiting my parents and sister! Lane is excited! Hopefully it'll be warm enough he can swim a little bit. He loves to swim!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Just rambling!
I've been working on my pinwheel sweater. As I feel the temperature cooling down, I feel the need to get it done. I'm 2 rows away from starting my last color. So I'm about 20 rows total from having the sweater done. Then I will need to add the loopy edging and the sleeves and it will be ready to wear! The colors are beautiful. I'm very pleased. It's going to be very bright, BUT that's the "in" thing I guess. It will be nice to have to wear around the house or when I go out before it gets too cold.
I've gotten the yarn to make 3 of the 7 pairs of clogs I have planned for christmas. Those will be next on the list and are usually pretty easy/quick to knit.
I think I'm going to go ride tonight. I haven't since Monday and I want to keep going 3-4 nights a week while the weather is nice. Once it gets a bit colder, it may only be 2 nights a week as I hate to be cold :)
We are going to the Linden cowboy gathering rodeo this weekend. I'm excited. There is stick horse races for the kids and mutten busting. I don't think Lane is ready for that yet, but maybe in another year or so. It will be something fun to do with the family. Mikie has worked for almost an entire month straight. The money is good, but we miss him!
Alright back to doing a bit more laundry and reading Twenty Wishes. It's good so far. Just have been knitting more than reading. My shows are back on, gives me more time to knit!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Keep my friend in your prayers..
The good side, if there can be said that there is one, is that Rebecca and her family were able to visit their grandparents this past weekend. Atleast they were able to see him one last time? Ugh. I never know what to say in a time like this.
I guess that's how it felt to everyone else when we lost the baby. There just aren't words... other than "I'm sorry, I love you, I'll be thinking and praying about you and call me if I can do anything." She lives in Cleveland so it's not as though I can go give her a hug.
Rebecca actually bought the house my grandparents lived in (rebecca's parents live next door.. that's how I know them).
*big sigh*
I've come to realize...
1. Desperate Housewives
2. Army Wives
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Ugly Betty
5. Life
6. Bones
7. House
8. Private Practice
9. Dirty, Sexy, Money
9. Lipstick Jungle
10. The Cleaner
11. Dr. Phil
12. Women's Murder Club
As you can see, I'm not big into reality tv shows. Now I do watch American Idol, but even then I don't DVR the epsidoes. If I see them great, if not. I can always read/hear about it. As for the other shows. I watch them. Religiously. I guess that's why I can balance out my reading and my knitting. I read when I'm not watching tv and I knit when I'm watching tv.
Deadly Gamble- Linda Lael Miller
I loved it!! "Mojo" as the character was called was an interesting character. She didn't remember her past so things about her were kind of Shady. I liked her on again off again boyfriend, Tucker. I thought the relationship she had with her dead ex-husband, Nick and the cat Chester was interesting. Like I said, I don't usually read books where people talk to the dead, but it was almost believeable in a sense that she could communicate with spiritual beings.
I had to laugh a few times when outsiders (those who coudln't see see/communicate) would catch her talk to the spirits, and it looked like she was talking to herself! She would get angry and yell at the air. It was a good laugh.
I'm going to get the 2nd book Deadly Deception from the Marshall Library on Friday. I hope it's as good as the first one. Plus I need to know if her and Tucker can work things out!
Monday, September 29, 2008
I looked around and didn't see any of the other kittens, so I picked it up and it immediatly started trying to suck on my finger. I guesstamate that they are about 3-4weeks old. I walked over to their house to knock on the door to see if maybe this one had escaped. No answer. I went around to the front and there were 3 other kittens along with 2 others that were from another litter (they are probably 4-6 months old).
Lane was upset b/c I wouldn't bring the kittens home. I was upset too b/c the family just shoved these kittens outside, like all the others. But I couldn't explain to him that we already have 3 dogs and 1 cat, and that the dogs wont take well to other kittens. Plus we really don't have the resources (or the house) to take care of them.
I called around. I can't find anyone to take them/help me. I was told it's best to leave them for a couple more weeks to let them ween if they can. I don't feel comfortable approaching the neighbor about these cats, but if my count is right, there are atleast 10-15 cats/kittens across the street. They will just continue to reproduce!
I'm not sure what I'll do. But something has to be done. Maybe I can find a spay/neuter clinic that will atleast take care of the females. That would stop a lot of the production.. Across the street atleast.
A horse!
Well my father in law told me he would "sell" me the horse I've been riding off and on for 5 years now. He's name's Vandle. He's a 13 year old sorrel horse. He's always been good to me and we work well together! I've been getting all the paperwork together and everything is about ready to be sent off. I'll be the proud owner of a horse!
We have to finish paying the IRS off and get the flooring and inside doors for the addition and then it will be complete (with the exception of some of the buidins Mikie plans to do so we wont have to have computere desks in there). Then we can start cleaning up the back lot (which is almost an acre and has lots of big beautiful trees) and get a fence and a barn built. I'm so excited!
I really enjoy riding and my step-mother-in-law (that's a mouth full) really likes to read too. We want to do some trail rides in the area and ride in some grand enteries at some of the local rodeos. I'd even like to go to the Marshall play days and see what those are all about as well!
I'm a little saddle sore from riding yesterday, but not too bad. The weather is cooling off so it's nice to go ride in the evenings. I hope I can make a habit of it. It's good to get out. Once the weather turns cold (anything under 65 is cool to me!) I'll be stuck in the house a lot more. This time of year makes me sad.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A Wanted Man - Linda Lael Miller
The two of them dance around their secrets until finally Lark's secret comes to light. Which she's none too happy about. Rhowdy lays out all his secrets once he figures he's going to jail for the rest of his life (something about being locked up/seperated that makes people want to confess).
Gideon (Rhowdy's brother) is great in this story. I'd love to see a book about him going after Lydia later (hopeless romantic, I know).
The next book The Rustler comes out in October. It features one of Rhowdy's brother's, one of which we didn't meet. Another outlaw, I'm sure this will be good :) When bad boys turn good! Ohhh I love a good Romantic Western!
The Death Dealer- Heather Graham
I was able to get the internet up on my phone and realized that yes, indeed, it was a sequal. I raced to the library the next day and got the first book "The dead room". I love Heather Graham's books so I knew it wouldn't take me long to get into it. I love the thriller/suspense/romance. I finished it and immediately went back and finished the The Death Dealer.
I liked the series, BUT I usually have a huge problem when a main character (especially one I like) dies. which was the case. I did enjoy the romance that went on with Joe and Leslie, despite the fact she was in love with his (dead) cousin. But I felt like he was too noble with Gen. He just let her believe he wasn't interested. I think there could of been more of him morning Leslie a bit and a bit more insight as to why he hadn't tried anything with Gen after over a year. I dunno, maybe it was just me. I'm the hopeless romantic :)
Overall the series was good. I'm hoping there will be more in the series, about Adam or even Niki and Brent. What's their story?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Knitted items I want to complete by the end of the year.
7 pairs of clogs (christmas presents)
2 hats (christmas presents)
1 pair of gloves (christmas present)
Mix and Mingle Afghan from
Pinwheel sweater that's about 60% done (for myself)
Overlapping leaves socks
I also am on the list to knit on the a few oddball baby blankets and some pet snuggle blankets, but those go without saying :)
After I have completed those I'm not sure what I'll want to work on. Maybe some more socks as my sock yarn has grown so much!
Books on my "to read bookshelf"
1. The death dealer - Heather Graham
2. A wanted man - Linda Lael Miller
3. 20 Wishes- Debbie Macomber
4. Deadly Gamble - Linda Lael Miller
5. Dark Roots and Cowboy Boots- Luann Mclane
6. The Knitting Circle- Ann Hood
7. Divided in Death- JD Robb (continue on the series)
8. Moon Women - Pamela Duncan
9. Plant Life - Pamela Duncan
10. Family First - Dr. Phil
Books I wanted to get that I don't currently have:
1. Playing Dead- Allison Brennan
2. Dark Embrace - Brenda Joyce
3. Savannah by the Sea - Denise Hildreth
An author was recommended to me and I want to look into her books as well.
1. Karen Kingsbury
PS. Please leave anymore author book recommendations! I love to find new people :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Lane's 4th Birthday party!
Friday, September 19, 2008
More oddball projects!
Here is our blogspots!
Can't wait to see how these turn out!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Christmas projects!
1. Clogs for Dad
2. Clogs for Grandmother
3. Clogs for Grandfather
4. Clogs for Lane
5. Clogs for Mikie
6. Hat for Mikie
7. Hat for Lane
8. Gloves for Lane
9. Clogs for Mom
10. Clogs for MYSELF!
I made a pair of clogs for myself last year. They were SOOO wonderful! I guess I need to get moving on these clogs :-P Good thing they are pretty easy to knit!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday's With Morrie
Tuesday's With Morrie by Mitch Album is one of those books on my list of "everyone needs to read". My bro read this a couple years ago and recommended to me. I put it on my shelf and just never did anything with it. We'll I've read it and I love it. I cry at the end each time, even though I know the book ends the same way. I always hope that maybe Morrie will get up and start dancing, even if for just one last time. The book is about Morrie dying but it's also about all the things he felt that were important in his life.
One of the things that really hit me was that you needed to deatch from the feeling. So if you're scared of something, it's ok to acknowledge that you're scared of it. But once you've know what is making you scared and why, now it's time to detach and move on. I think that's the only way that Morrie could truly comes to grips with the fact he was dying. If he didn't, he'd also lay around feeling sorry for himself. He never would of made the attempts and get out of bed.
I think as a society was tend to dwell on the things we can't change. I'm guilty of that. I always worry/stress about things I have no control over. I need to recognize what the problem is and then detach so I can move on.
I loved the section about Money. Today it seems like everything is about money. If you don't have money you can't do anything. But money doesn't buy you love. It doesn't buy you happiness. Money is a necessasity but it isn't what makes you happy or bring you love.
Definiately a book to read if you haven't.
I'm currently reading "The last lecture".
PS. I also finished another book by Linda Lael Miller - "The man from stone creek." Will talk about that one later!
9-11 and Lane's 4th birthday!
I get to my class and everyone is talking. I catch whispers of what is going on but I'm still getting my stuff out and preparing for class. My teacher walks in and she's looking around at everyone. She starts talking about what is going on and everyone starts talking all at once. It's not long before my cell phone starts to vibrate and it's my dad. I thought he was at home. He had gone to the office (not far from the pentagon).
He's asking me if I watched the news, if I knew what was going on. He says he can hear/see all the stuff near the pentagon. He tells me he may be "stuck" in DC. I ask if I need to come get him. He tells me I might. He'll let me know. I try to make other phone calls, but I can't get my cell phone to work. I finally get through to someone, I don't remember. Maybe my mom, maybe mikie.
Classes are canceled for the rest of the day. I sit in my dorm room, alone and watch everything on my computer (I had a tvcard). My dad finally calls or gets through and tells me he's found a way home, not to worry.
Everyone is in shock on campus. They opened up the theater so people can sit together and just watch....
But on the flip side to it all. I've been to the twin tours before they fell. My brother, sister and I have this really great picture standing with them in the background. I've taken Mikie to ground zero.
My kiddo, Lane was born 4 years ago today. He was 2 weeks early. I labored for almost 24 hours and finally they did a c-section!
If you would of told me I would of had a kiddo born on 9-11, I would of laughed at you. We even put beats on the day it would happen. Adam (mikie's bro) won.
So the morale of my long winded story/recollection is that. God takes life and God gives life.
Take a moment to remember where you were this day and at this time. A remember to give thanks.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Savannah Comes undone.
The auther does a great job at making you realize all the little things we take for granted. That living isn't just about living, it's about being. How each experience, good or bad, allows you to grow as a person. Savannah doesn't see her mother in the same light anymore. She isn't just her mother, she's a woman, a person. I think there comes a point in a child's life when the parent has to change roles. They are no longer the parent in the sense that they are there to keep you safe, watch over you and love you. Their role has to change. I think that's what Savannah is finally learning. She sees her mother as a person.
I hope I read more about Joshua in the next book :) I like his character and he really is a good balance for Savannah. He really knows what buttons to push with her! *giggle*.
My library doesn't have the next book "Savannah by the sea" and I'm on the waitlist on my site. So I'll patiently wait for the next book to become available!
Wonder what I'll read next!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
New tv show obcession!
My plan is to be ready to watch season 3 when it comes out in November (why did they wait so long to bring it to dvd when the season 4 premire was this past week?) and I'm DVR the 4th season so I can catch right up.
The series is just great. I love the chemistry between Bones and Booth. I am anxiously awaiting the moment they finally DO something *giggle*. Ahhh I'm such a romantic!
So there, I've admitted it. I'm obcessed with the TV show bones!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Gustav is coming!
Since I am so not near the coast, I didn't figure we had much to be concerned about with Gustav. Well evidently I was wrong. We are under a tropical storm advisory. They except us to get winds from 40-60mph. They expect lots of rain and all the good stuff. Hmm. That just kind of boggles my mind I guess.
I guess I'll make up some taco salad tomorrow and have it in the fridge and ready for Tuesday. Just incase we lose power or something. Then I wont have to try to figure out what to put together for dinner, in the dark no less.
So all the hotels in the area are all booked up. They are evacuating people from New Orleans (almost 3 years since Katrina). It seems like they are a bit more prepared this time. Only time will tell!
Wonder if maybe we should build a boat. Danie's ark or something?

Friday, August 29, 2008
Savannah by Savannah
I finished the first book yesterday. It was really good. I was actually surprised how much I was able to get into the book and relate to some of the characters. This isn't my typical book (I LOVE my romance/suspense/thrillers). I found the 2nd book Savannah comes undone and started into it as well. It starts up where the other one left off.
Denise Hildreth has a really great way that she writes. It's so down to earth and you find yourself almost lost in Savannah Georgia with her! I'd love to visit just to see it all for myself! I also loved her coca-cola addiction *laugh*.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Bones and A good year.
Tonight Mikie and I finally sat down and watched (or attempted to) A good year with Russel Crowe. We watched over and hour of it and I finally looked at Mikie and said, is it me or is this just boring? I kept waiting for something to happen. Other than him being a womanizer, NOTHING would happen. I was really disappointed. I always like Russel Crow!
Sokay I'll send that one back and get the next 2 dvds of bones! I can't wait!
Secret Swap 2008
Motor Mouth and other stuff.
I started "Savannah by Savannah" by Denise Hildreth. It was on one of Kathy Patrick's booklists and it looks good. She's got some really good books in her book and also in her bookclub. She's really made me read "outside the box", for me atleast.
The book "Electroboy: Memoir of Mania" I would of NEVER picked up on my own. But once I started reading it I couldn't put it down. It was just amazing, to be inside someone's head (literally at times) like that. It's outside my way of thinking.
So on to another good book she's recommended. She hasn't led me astray yet. That reminds me, I need to call her, I need to get my hair done again (yes she's also my hairdresser).
The house is in pieces since we are working on this addon. We can't find an exact match to the panneling that is in the living room (which I totally hate). So I'm not sure what we're going to do. We didn't want to redo the living room. For now there's just a missing piece and a whole that looks into the will be computer room. Ahhh the adventures in additions continues.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Favorite Movies!
1. The Goonies (my alltime favorite movie).
2. Lonesome Dove
3. PS. I love you
4. The Notebook
5. The Bucket List
6. The Bourne series
7. Catch and Release
8. The Wedding Date
9. Gladiator
10. Pay it Forward
Thursday, August 14, 2008
My book list of must read books.
1. Electroboy: A memoir of Mania by Andy Behrman
2. The pulpwood queens' tiara-wearing, book-sharing guide to life by Kathy Patrick.
3. Whitney My love - Judith McNaught
4. Tuesdays with Morrie- Mitch Albom
5. Janet Evanovich (any book she has written)
6. Harry Potter Series
7. The Notebook - Nicholas Sparks
8. The true confessions of Charlotte Doyle - Avi
9. Inside my heart - Robin Mcgraw
10. The Friday Night Knit Club- Kate Jacobs
I'll probably add to it later :)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Ocean Waves Baby blanket!
Alene Camisole!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Boy is it HOT!!!!
I am also starting a new baby blanket. It's called "Ocean Waves". It will be in all blues. I am also going to donate it, and hopefully a few hats to a hospital on the HAIN's list. I'm excited about this!
I bought the yarn to make myself a pinwheel sweater! I'm very excited about this! I also want to work on flirty skirty, which was featured on knitty gritty. I have also fallen in LOVE with the sublime yarn. I found a CUTE sweater they made out of kid mohair. Now I just need to save my pennies!
Nothing else really new. Just really hot!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Picture of fruit stripes blanket.
Odds and Ends!
I finally got all the packages mailed out on Friday. I hope that means they will start to arrive today. I sent a finished preemie blanket to Shandeh, a finished baby blanket to Snowbear and then a WIP baby blanket to Robinknits. Those blankets are just turning out so beautiful.
I have also finished the front and the back of my pink duet shirt. It's seamed together and I'm taking it to mom's so she can help me read the directions and see what needs to happen next. I also picked my alene camisole back up. It's seamed up the sides and I've started working the lace bottom. I've gotten about 3 or so inches done. It's really pretty and really looks nice. I've also been looking at sock patterns. I want to cast on some more socks!
I've posted a question on the KH boards about how to read a pattern that is written from the top down, when I want to work from the toe up. I can't quite get my mind wrapped around that. We'll see how it goes :)
I also went to Roy's Toys and Trains and they gave me a $10 gift certificate for helping to advertise. I bought 1 set of thomas stickers and some cowboy stickers to work on Lane's scrapbook. I also bought him a train whistle, which is absoulately LOVES!
I was also approaced about doing some photography work. They want some Black and whites done of the big fountain in town. I went and played with it some, but when I return from vacation I'll definitely get to work on it. It would be nice to earn a little extra money on the side maybe.
Anyway, should be cleaning and packing. We are leaving in the morning!
Monday, June 23, 2008
I won a prize?
Well yesterday I was checking email and I get an email from Vicki (Roy's wife) thanking me b/c she googled roys toys and trains and they ended up being 2nd on the google list due to my blog post. She said a big thank you and to come into the store as she had a gift for me. How cool is that?
I'm hoping to go into the store this evening or tomorrow and see what I've won. I just think it's really cool and I hope that someone else saw my blog post and comes in and visits their really cool shop!
Movie: PS I love you.
Words can't express how great this movie was. If you haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it. Watch it with your girlfriends, your mothers, your sisters... bring lots of kleenex though. But it's so moving you will be just as awed as I am after you've seen it.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Summer fun and spring fling blanket are finished!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Why I knit for charity?
I also enjoy the time I spend knitting items for charity. I knitted some squares for the victims of the Virginia Tech shooting. I was never a student there, but I did spend some time on the campus as I dated a guy there and did apply to be a student there. I felt I needed to donate a couple squares to help wrap those that needed in love and healing for the blankets. It goes without saying that the oddball projects are important. I've knitted on 2 oddball blankets and I hope that when they are complete they will really wrap someone up and provide warmth and love. Maybe a battered women's shelter or a halfway house.
The baby/preemie blankets I knit b/c I love babies. They are so innocent and many times are brought into this world with nothing. But then there are also the ones that come into this world, only to leave us. I, myself have lost a baby. At 14w5d I gave birth to a stillborn. Yes it was only 14w but the baby did have eyes, arms and legs. It was a baby, it was MY baby. So knitting blankets is something I can do to give back.
The prayer shawls I knit for church are just that. We give shawls to those that need it within our church and in our community. We have given away 7 shawls so far, one of which was given to me during the lose of my baby. I've crocheted one so far and in the middle of a 2nd.
So if you ask my why I knit for church, I might ask you, well why not? Haven't you ever been given something at just the right time or someone said or did something for you when you needed it most. It's the same thing :) I knit with my hands but it comes from my heart!