I finished "Nights in Rodanthe" this week. I kind of figured out how it was going to end but a beautiful book. Nicholas Sparks just has a way with words. I wish I could be as expressive and descriptive as he is! I have mixed feelings about seeing the movie. It's on my netflix list though. So I'm sure I will see it when it comes out :)

I am currently reading a Brenda Joyce book. She's one of my favorite romance writers. This is the 3rd book in the Master of Time series and the first book in The Rose Trilogy. I've really enjoyed her time travel books (into the past). I have a hard time reading books that go too far into the future. But this are great over-sexed heroes. What a way to end a long day!
I have started the loopy edge on my pinwheel sweater. It has a lot of i-cords so it will take a bit of time. Once I finished the outer edge I will have to do the two sleeves and it will be finished. Then I will need to concentrate on Christmas presents! I have 1 slipper almost complete for my grandfather! I still have yarn I need to get as well.
On to bigger and better things? :)
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