Friday, August 29, 2008

Savannah by Savannah

Savannah by Savannah

I finished the first book yesterday. It was really good. I was actually surprised how much I was able to get into the book and relate to some of the characters. This isn't my typical book (I LOVE my romance/suspense/thrillers). I found the 2nd book Savannah comes undone and started into it as well. It starts up where the other one left off.

Denise Hildreth has a really great way that she writes. It's so down to earth and you find yourself almost lost in Savannah Georgia with her! I'd love to visit just to see it all for myself! I also loved her coca-cola addiction *laugh*.


1 comment:

Denise Hildreth said...

Hey Danielle,

Just wanted to thank you for recommending my books. I'm always excited when someone has found them for the first time. Here's to a coke!
Take Care