Lane really enjoyed going trick or treating this year. He really understood what it ment, and why, who doesn't love candy? He didn't understand why we couldn't go on Saturday night! Ahh to be 4 again!
I finished the book "Dark Roots and Cowboy Boots" by LuAnn McLane. I LOVED it. Her southern humor was hilarious and poor Jamie Lee, that girl has problems! I mean, two hot men, one flashy and all LA and the other tall, dark and manly. How in the world can that no be the icing on the cake?! Plus she manages to get herself in such pickles! I can't wait to get ahold of the sequel where Macy (her best friend) finally lands Luke (Jamie Lee's brother). There are a few other in the "southern" series that she has. Definitely a great author!
I read "The Rustler" by Linda Lael Miller. This is part of the Stone Creek series. It's about Wyatt ( I really like that name), which is Rhowdy's brother. I was a little disappointed with the end. It just kind of ended. I felt the last 30 pages were just too rushed. There was no big, finale like I expected. Overall the book was good though. I was glad to revisit old characters and glad to be back in the little town of Stone Creek. I look foward to reading more from her!
I started "Riding Lessons" by Sara Gruen. I saw it in Books-a-million one day and thought it looked interested. It's about a girl, Annemarie Zimmerman that was a very accomplished rider. She suffers a terrible fall and finds her self paralized (temporarily) and the horse she loves had to be put to sleep. I'm very excited about this book as I've found a new love for horses and riding.
I have been reading a lot and not so much knitting. I need to get back on my knitting horse I guess. It's so hard to balance the two! I can devour a book in a day if I'm really into it. I guess I will have to go back to knitting/crocheting while I watch tv/movies and reading when I'm not!
I thought I would add a picture of my horse! His name is Royal Kings Doc, or Vandal as I call him. He's 13 years old. He's a sorrel gelding. He's about 14.2 hands and he's just wonderful with me. He works well with leg pressure and very easy on the reins. We seem to be working well as a team! I've joined the AQHA riding club and I'm logging my hours each week. My goal is to ride 2-3 times a week , which accounts for about 4.5-5 hours of riding a week. There are milestones with this program. At 50 hours you receive a gift certificate to Drysdales and then at 100 you have the option to buy a windbreaker and so on. I'm very excited about this. Karon (my step-mother-in-law) and I are having so much fun.
Doesn't he look beauiful in pink? One day I'll get a picture with the full getup! :)
1 comment:
I can't wait to see the pic with you and your getup on! I would love to take riding lessons, but Jim is scared of me riding horses...I guess in a past life he must of had a scary experience!!!
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