I found the bedset that I abosoluately love! I first found it on Ebay and then emailed the company and found out it was a new item and wouldn't avaiable for 60-90 days. I showed it to my step mother in law b/c I knew she had been looking at bedding as well.
She calls me today and tells me to check my email! To my surprise, she has pre-ordered the bedset and the rest of the room. I think she got everything short of having them come put it all in the room and paint the walls! Julie is going to be sleeping/living in style! What a lucky girl she is!
Here is a link to the bedset. It's beautiful and I can't wait to get it. It supposed to ship at the end of June! That will give us time to pick out the perfect color of paint to do her walls as well!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Dinner at the Magic Time Machine!
We all went to eat at the Magic Time Machine on Sunday for Mom's birthday. It's defintiely an experience. If you're ever in Dallas or San Antonio, you definitely need to make a trip there. The food isn't anything to write home about but the experience is amazing. Harry Potter was our waiter.
Lane got a "magic potion" to drink and first wouldn't even try the drink. It bubbled and fizzed and later he thought it was really cool. A balloon lady came back and did balloon animals for us. Lane wanted a sword, Caiti got a ladybug bracelet and mom got a teddy bear. Lane has been running around with his sword all week!
Since it was mom's birthday, she received a special "hat". It's made out of aluminium foil. It's supposed to be a hershey kiss. She really enjoyed it I think. They even made her a special dessert and they sang to her!
For dinner, we all had the "Roman orgy". Definitely an experience. They bring out plates and plates of food. Chicken, ribs, brisket, corn, potatoes, carrots and lots of fruits. I couldn't believe all the food they brought out. We had to take a lot of it home too!
I do believe, everyone had a great time. I hope that we get to go back sometime as they try to keep current with their characters! It'll be neat to see who/what else is new!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Got my eyes tested!
It has been about 2 years since I've had my eyes tested. My contacts were all gone and I don't remember the last time I had new glasses. Lane and I made the trip to Waskom to Lester Eye associates because they took medicaid. What I failed to find out was exactly what medicaid would pay for.
They don't take appointments so I packed a small bag of toys/busy items and a drink to keep Lane busy. I wanted to be sure he wasn't running around crazy if we had to wait or while I did my eye tests. We arrived around 11 and were very happy to find out we were the only ones there!
I found out that medicaid only pays for an eye glass appointment and eye glasses. BAH!!! So I had to fork out 119 for 6 months of contacts and a contact appointment. I did my glacoma test (my grandfather has it) and my pressures came back great. They took me back and let me pick out a simple pair of glasses.
I did my eye tests and found that my eyes are only slightly worse. Instead of being -.75, they are both -1 now. Not too bad I guess. I was able to get a pair of contacts which are good for a month or so. My other contacts and glassses should be in the end of next week.
I just hate to spend money we really don't have. But I have to be able to see and the more I think about it 119 for an exam, glasses and 6-12 months worth of contacts really isn't bad. The doctor also told me that when my contacts ran out, if I didn't feel my vision had changed, I could just order more contacts, they aren't really picky about that.
So I guess all in all, I came out ahead, this just wasn't the week to spend that kind of money. We had hoped to go to San Antonio this weekend, but if Mikie has the work, we can't turn it down. I'm not sure what we'll do. Money is so tight, I hate to spend any. We may just have to stay home!
All we can do is what we can do!
They don't take appointments so I packed a small bag of toys/busy items and a drink to keep Lane busy. I wanted to be sure he wasn't running around crazy if we had to wait or while I did my eye tests. We arrived around 11 and were very happy to find out we were the only ones there!
I found out that medicaid only pays for an eye glass appointment and eye glasses. BAH!!! So I had to fork out 119 for 6 months of contacts and a contact appointment. I did my glacoma test (my grandfather has it) and my pressures came back great. They took me back and let me pick out a simple pair of glasses.
I did my eye tests and found that my eyes are only slightly worse. Instead of being -.75, they are both -1 now. Not too bad I guess. I was able to get a pair of contacts which are good for a month or so. My other contacts and glassses should be in the end of next week.
I just hate to spend money we really don't have. But I have to be able to see and the more I think about it 119 for an exam, glasses and 6-12 months worth of contacts really isn't bad. The doctor also told me that when my contacts ran out, if I didn't feel my vision had changed, I could just order more contacts, they aren't really picky about that.
So I guess all in all, I came out ahead, this just wasn't the week to spend that kind of money. We had hoped to go to San Antonio this weekend, but if Mikie has the work, we can't turn it down. I'm not sure what we'll do. Money is so tight, I hate to spend any. We may just have to stay home!
All we can do is what we can do!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
A jenny jump up!!

Today I was lounging around when the postal lady beeped her horn. That's her way of telling me to come out so that she doesn't have to get out of the car to put my package under the carport. Luckily, she was early or I might of been napping! I refuse to go out when I'm napping. It's my time! Anyway!
To my surprise, I had a package from Target! I opened it up with excitement because I had no idea what was in the package! It was a Jenny Jump Up!!!! I had a Johnny Jump up for Lane and had given it to my ex-sister in law for my nephew, but it was never returned to me. It came from a good friend of ours, Tylar Rose! She is the first to send us a gift (besides my mother and step mother in law) and she used my gift registry!
I can't wait for Julie to be big enough to use it! It's just too cute! What a great and beautiful day! We are truly blessed!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
A friend let us borrow a laptop so that I can be more comfortable when we play warhammer or when I want to play on the net! We managed to get a wireless router and now I can sit or lay just about anywhere! It's really really REALLY nice!
Who would of guessed a laptop would be this great. I'm sitting here on the couch, with my feet up, I might add watching desperate housewives. I don't know if it can get much better than this! I wish I would of looked into having a laptop a bit more before we bought my desktop! It definitely might of made life easier!
There isn't much this laptop can't do. It even has an HD graphic card. Warhammer looks amazing. If I had money, I'd start my eq2 account up to see how it played on here. It even has a 17 inch screen. It's huge! We watched a back episode of Legand of the Seeker on it. It's nice.
Who would of guessed a laptop would be this great. I'm sitting here on the couch, with my feet up, I might add watching desperate housewives. I don't know if it can get much better than this! I wish I would of looked into having a laptop a bit more before we bought my desktop! It definitely might of made life easier!
There isn't much this laptop can't do. It even has an HD graphic card. Warhammer looks amazing. If I had money, I'd start my eq2 account up to see how it played on here. It even has a 17 inch screen. It's huge! We watched a back episode of Legand of the Seeker on it. It's nice.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Julie Amber...
I think we have agreed on a name! Julie Amber or "hamburger" as Lane thought he said! It was really cute and hopefully that nickname wont stick. Mom says that even though it's funny, it is about right since she weighs around 1lb4ozs (according to her measurements). Kids are so funny!
Last night I was doing something and didn't hear Lane and he scared me! I turned around and said wow, Lane you scared the bajeebeeze outta me! He laughed and thought I was funny. Tonight, I went by his room and he goes "mom you scared the "jeanies" outta me!" Ahhhh kiddos are so funny!
My step mother-in-law and my mom are already out shopping for Julie! She's going to have a new outfit for everyday for the first year or so! Karon (my step MIL) bought Julie her first pair of cowgirl boots. They are hot pink john deeres. They are just TOO cute! My mom has been buying diapers (gotten some awesome deals lately) and some other outfits. They are just over the moon!
I've gotten my registry set up at Walmart.com and Target.com. I found a bedset I really like, but it's not currently in stock. I emailed the company to see if they will be getting anymore in. If not, I'll print out the picture and use it for inspiration. Mikie's nana said she'd sew a set together (I have a pattern from my nephew's bedset) if I was able to get the materials I want.
I hit 25 weeks yesterday. My back hurts all the time! I've been told to stay off my feet. That's so much easier said then done!
Off to take my bath and curl up with a movie or a book!
Last night I was doing something and didn't hear Lane and he scared me! I turned around and said wow, Lane you scared the bajeebeeze outta me! He laughed and thought I was funny. Tonight, I went by his room and he goes "mom you scared the "jeanies" outta me!" Ahhhh kiddos are so funny!
My step mother-in-law and my mom are already out shopping for Julie! She's going to have a new outfit for everyday for the first year or so! Karon (my step MIL) bought Julie her first pair of cowgirl boots. They are hot pink john deeres. They are just TOO cute! My mom has been buying diapers (gotten some awesome deals lately) and some other outfits. They are just over the moon!
I've gotten my registry set up at Walmart.com and Target.com. I found a bedset I really like, but it's not currently in stock. I emailed the company to see if they will be getting anymore in. If not, I'll print out the picture and use it for inspiration. Mikie's nana said she'd sew a set together (I have a pattern from my nephew's bedset) if I was able to get the materials I want.
I hit 25 weeks yesterday. My back hurts all the time! I've been told to stay off my feet. That's so much easier said then done!
Off to take my bath and curl up with a movie or a book!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sonogram pictures!

The first one is a picture of her laying on her side. You can see her eyes, nose and mouth. The "dot" above her head is his arm/hand. The 2nd one is the proof she's a girl. It's looking at her from underneathe! There she is!
We are now registered at Walmart.com and Target.com. You can search us using our names!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Baby Items I have vs What I need
What I have:
Porta crib
Bath tub
Bobby Pillow
What I need:
Breast Pump
Car Seat (infant)
Diaper Bag
I am currently working on Baby Regestries for Walmart and Target.
Porta crib
Bath tub
Bobby Pillow
What I need:
Breast Pump
Car Seat (infant)
Diaper Bag
I am currently working on Baby Regestries for Walmart and Target.
The verdict is in. The baby is a..... GIRL.... C-section is scheduld for August 21st. She currently weighs 1lb4ozs!!!!
I'll post sonogram pictures later!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
My bro will be here soon!
My brother is finally going to make his move from Virginia to Texas! We've been waiting for this for a long time, but the time was just never right! He will be leaving Friday, with his friend Jared and two dogs for the drive. They will leave after my bro finishes court on Friday. It'll take about 22 hours, give or take! He's hoping to be here Saturday around 2 or so!
I think it will be good for him to finally be down here with family. It will be an adjustment though, him moving back in with mom and dad. It will only be a temporary thing until after he's able to secure a job and find a place to live. It will also ensure that his dogs are taken care of if he's away at an acedemy. He's hoping to become a Texas State Trooper!
Lane is very excited to see his uncle Travis! He's been asking how many night sleeps it will be. That's how Lane figures time, the amount of nights he has to sleep in order for something to happen. Pretty good for a 4 year old!
Travis and Jared will stay until Tuesday morning. Then they will make the 7 hour drive to mom and dad's. It works out well b/c I have my sonogram on Monday. Travis has offered to watch Lane and cook dinner that night. What more can ya ask for?! LOL.
So today, I start doing the cleaning. I'm planning to steam clean the living room carpet and get the living room dusted and cleaned up. Since I'm limited as to what I'm allowed to do, that's about all I'll probably get done.
Tomorrow I will be enrolling Lane in school for the fall. He'll be in the pre-k class. He's very excited to go! We've been working his hooked on phonics, so hopefully he'll have a headstart when it's time to go. I also have to do some grocery shopping and my hope is to get the bathrooms cleaned.
Saturday my plan is to mow the grass before they arrive and straighten up. We'll see how things go though. I can't do too much. He may just have to deal with it :)
It's Thursday and Mikie is working today!! Thank you God!!! Hopefully the weather will shape up and these "jobs" that have been in the works will start to pop up! We really need the money to pay those bills!
Off to steam clean the living room carpet!!
I think it will be good for him to finally be down here with family. It will be an adjustment though, him moving back in with mom and dad. It will only be a temporary thing until after he's able to secure a job and find a place to live. It will also ensure that his dogs are taken care of if he's away at an acedemy. He's hoping to become a Texas State Trooper!
Lane is very excited to see his uncle Travis! He's been asking how many night sleeps it will be. That's how Lane figures time, the amount of nights he has to sleep in order for something to happen. Pretty good for a 4 year old!
Travis and Jared will stay until Tuesday morning. Then they will make the 7 hour drive to mom and dad's. It works out well b/c I have my sonogram on Monday. Travis has offered to watch Lane and cook dinner that night. What more can ya ask for?! LOL.
So today, I start doing the cleaning. I'm planning to steam clean the living room carpet and get the living room dusted and cleaned up. Since I'm limited as to what I'm allowed to do, that's about all I'll probably get done.
Tomorrow I will be enrolling Lane in school for the fall. He'll be in the pre-k class. He's very excited to go! We've been working his hooked on phonics, so hopefully he'll have a headstart when it's time to go. I also have to do some grocery shopping and my hope is to get the bathrooms cleaned.
Saturday my plan is to mow the grass before they arrive and straighten up. We'll see how things go though. I can't do too much. He may just have to deal with it :)
It's Thursday and Mikie is working today!! Thank you God!!! Hopefully the weather will shape up and these "jobs" that have been in the works will start to pop up! We really need the money to pay those bills!
Off to steam clean the living room carpet!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Work, or the lack there of!
Work has been scarce the last few weeks for my hubby. He didn't work a single day last week for his dad. He did, however work one day for another guy. But one day, doesn't pay the bills. Between the weather and the economy, they are starting to feel the pinch. I hate that they have spent so much time building the business back up after Mikie's mom left and now things are so scarce, they may not be able to recover.
I know stress is a bad thing for me and the baby, but it's hard when the week draws to an end and you have to find some way to pay what bills you can afford to pay. We just have to pray that something will shake loose! Mikie and his dad are out looking today. They have business cards now, so hopefully they will be able to hand a few out. At this point, it doesn't matter how big or how small, they need something to do!
I know they have a few things in the works, but nothing that is ready to start in the next couple of days and at this point in time, that's what they need!
So one day at a time and here's to praying that this week will turn out to be a better week than last week!
I know stress is a bad thing for me and the baby, but it's hard when the week draws to an end and you have to find some way to pay what bills you can afford to pay. We just have to pray that something will shake loose! Mikie and his dad are out looking today. They have business cards now, so hopefully they will be able to hand a few out. At this point, it doesn't matter how big or how small, they need something to do!
I know they have a few things in the works, but nothing that is ready to start in the next couple of days and at this point in time, that's what they need!
So one day at a time and here's to praying that this week will turn out to be a better week than last week!
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